Sunday, February 21, 2010

What's your number?

Numerology is the study of numbers and what they symbolize. Your personality, strengths and weaknesses, and how you react to certain situations/other people can be defined by your life path number. I was introduced to numerology back in middle school, and I was fascinated by it. I have always been obsessed with stars, constellations and astrology; I’m also a math geek. A theory where astrology meets numbers? Cool!!

Everyone has a life pathe number, and it is calculated by using your date of birth (e.g.) My Date of birth is 12/29/1982… 12+29+1982=2023. You then add the numbers from the sum, to get a single digit; 2+0+2+3=7

Here is a brief description that I got from of someone with the life path number of 7:

Analysis, Understanding, Introspective;
Search for Truth, Spiritual Understanding.
Individuals with this number have a fine analytical mind and are capable of much in the way of learning. They usually have the potential to understand fundamental truths as well as the capacity to search for ultimate meanings. They may involve themselves in complex technical, scientific or philosophical studies. One of your major lessons of this number is to use one’s abilities to learn the peace of mind which can only come from knowing oneself and accepting and expressing one’s deepest feelings.

This describes me to a TEE! Like I said earlier I’m a math geek, I was even in Mu Alpha Theta in high school #dontjudgeme; I think it’s due to my superior analytical skills, why I love math so much, and entered into a field where math is what I do ALL day! These skills are not only helpful for me in math, I’m also quick to analyze a situation and have pretty good judgment on what moves I need to make.

People with a life path number of 7 rely heavily on their intuition. I have had times where I didn’t listen to my intuition, and landed in a heap of trouble. We have a keen sense to weed out ingenuine, (<--if that’s not a word I just made it up!) phony, and deceitful people and try to avoid them. Usually within the first 5 minutes of meeting someone I can tell if I am going to get along with them or not. Sometimes I may not know exactly what it is about a person that I don’t like, but I know that it will come to light if we get more familiar.

Peace, tranquility, and time to be alone with our thoughts are some things "Life Path 7’ers" appreciate in life; big crowds and loud noise are not. I was raised as an only child, I’m quite used to being alone, and I love it! I do like to go out, but for the most part I would much rather be at home, watching the Crank Yankers season 1 DVD with a bag of sour patch kids.

All in all my life path number’s description is very accurate! What’s your life path number? (I have listed the link to get the full description.) Is your number’s description accurate? Before you answer, make sure you added it correctly, ‘fore you come telling me it’s all wrong and it’s a load of rubbish! :-p

And with this, I bid you adieu. ‘Til next time…