Saturday, February 20, 2010

Sex Therapy

Tonight is the 1st night that this TV fast is affecting me; I’m bored as FAWK! I bet some sex therapy would cure me quick! Because I'm a lame and didn't have anything to do on a friday night I have so much free time, I decided to research some of the therapeutic benefits of sex… I found some on WebMd, and have listed the ones that I found the most interesting…

1. Stress reliever… It has been shown that sex lowers blood pressure, and improves a persons response and reaction to stressful situations. I have a co-worker who is a prime example of this. When she and her boyfriend broke up, she was wound up tighter than a virgin at a rodeo! LOL When she and buddy got back together, she was a sweet as pie!

2. Burning calories… Who needs the gym when u can have sex?! Studies show that you loose about 85 calories per thirty minute session of sex. Ok so let’s see here, its 3500 calories per pound… An hour of relations would amount to about 170 calories burned…. Hmm, 20 hours of sex is enough to lose a pound! Wow! I like workouts where I can have fun at the same time; what a win!

3. Reduces Pain… Have a headache? Don’t reach for the Tylenol, go have some sex! When having sex, endorphins are released in the body, which decrease pain. I had a killer migraine the other day too…

4. Good for your heart… Having chest pains? Go have sex! Men who had sex at least twice a week reduced their risk of having a fatal heart attack by 50%! Future husband, wherever you are, if I have anything to do with it, cardiovascular health won’t be an issue *wink wink*

5. Self Esteem booster… Info collected by University of Texas researchers showed that “boosting self esteem” was one of the 237 reasons that people liked to have sex. Hell, I know that while I’m delivering my SEX MAGIC, and my boo is writhing and moaning in sheer ecstasy, then passes out cain’t (yup I spelled it cain’t) move after wards, I feel like Xena warrior Princess! *Xena War Cry: Ayiyiyiyi shiii yah!*

6. Immunity Booster… What better way to fight the swine flu than to have sex? When you have sex at least 2 times a week it has been linked to an increase of the antibody Immonuglobin. This antibody protects you from getting colds and helps fight infections.

Well with the hectic week I had at work, the fact that I’m looking to lose a little weight, I got this pain in my lower back, and I am feeling a little feverish, I think the doctor may prescribe some copulation, and make him some breakfast in the morning owwww! LMBO (I crack me up) I’m good on the heart health and self esteem, but we can include those for prophylactic measures, tee hee.

Until next time friends...

P.S. Because I don’t want to be a thief I have cited my info source (APA format) LOL (damn you FIU)

Doheny, K. (n.d.). 10 surprising health benefits of sex.
Retrieved February 19, 2010, from WebMd website:


  1. as far as number 3 and 6, wouldn't masturbation also release endorphins and immonuglobins? just curious.

  2. Very good question! I would assume so since the release of the endorphins and the immonuglobin are dependant on the mental aspect of sex, not the physical.

  3. I can def attest to that headache one. It has cured my headaches many times!!! :) Interesting post
