Sunday, February 21, 2010

What's your number?

Numerology is the study of numbers and what they symbolize. Your personality, strengths and weaknesses, and how you react to certain situations/other people can be defined by your life path number. I was introduced to numerology back in middle school, and I was fascinated by it. I have always been obsessed with stars, constellations and astrology; I’m also a math geek. A theory where astrology meets numbers? Cool!!

Everyone has a life pathe number, and it is calculated by using your date of birth (e.g.) My Date of birth is 12/29/1982… 12+29+1982=2023. You then add the numbers from the sum, to get a single digit; 2+0+2+3=7

Here is a brief description that I got from of someone with the life path number of 7:

Analysis, Understanding, Introspective;
Search for Truth, Spiritual Understanding.
Individuals with this number have a fine analytical mind and are capable of much in the way of learning. They usually have the potential to understand fundamental truths as well as the capacity to search for ultimate meanings. They may involve themselves in complex technical, scientific or philosophical studies. One of your major lessons of this number is to use one’s abilities to learn the peace of mind which can only come from knowing oneself and accepting and expressing one’s deepest feelings.

This describes me to a TEE! Like I said earlier I’m a math geek, I was even in Mu Alpha Theta in high school #dontjudgeme; I think it’s due to my superior analytical skills, why I love math so much, and entered into a field where math is what I do ALL day! These skills are not only helpful for me in math, I’m also quick to analyze a situation and have pretty good judgment on what moves I need to make.

People with a life path number of 7 rely heavily on their intuition. I have had times where I didn’t listen to my intuition, and landed in a heap of trouble. We have a keen sense to weed out ingenuine, (<--if that’s not a word I just made it up!) phony, and deceitful people and try to avoid them. Usually within the first 5 minutes of meeting someone I can tell if I am going to get along with them or not. Sometimes I may not know exactly what it is about a person that I don’t like, but I know that it will come to light if we get more familiar.

Peace, tranquility, and time to be alone with our thoughts are some things "Life Path 7’ers" appreciate in life; big crowds and loud noise are not. I was raised as an only child, I’m quite used to being alone, and I love it! I do like to go out, but for the most part I would much rather be at home, watching the Crank Yankers season 1 DVD with a bag of sour patch kids.

All in all my life path number’s description is very accurate! What’s your life path number? (I have listed the link to get the full description.) Is your number’s description accurate? Before you answer, make sure you added it correctly, ‘fore you come telling me it’s all wrong and it’s a load of rubbish! :-p

And with this, I bid you adieu. ‘Til next time…

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Sex Therapy

Tonight is the 1st night that this TV fast is affecting me; I’m bored as FAWK! I bet some sex therapy would cure me quick! Because I'm a lame and didn't have anything to do on a friday night I have so much free time, I decided to research some of the therapeutic benefits of sex… I found some on WebMd, and have listed the ones that I found the most interesting…

1. Stress reliever… It has been shown that sex lowers blood pressure, and improves a persons response and reaction to stressful situations. I have a co-worker who is a prime example of this. When she and her boyfriend broke up, she was wound up tighter than a virgin at a rodeo! LOL When she and buddy got back together, she was a sweet as pie!

2. Burning calories… Who needs the gym when u can have sex?! Studies show that you loose about 85 calories per thirty minute session of sex. Ok so let’s see here, its 3500 calories per pound… An hour of relations would amount to about 170 calories burned…. Hmm, 20 hours of sex is enough to lose a pound! Wow! I like workouts where I can have fun at the same time; what a win!

3. Reduces Pain… Have a headache? Don’t reach for the Tylenol, go have some sex! When having sex, endorphins are released in the body, which decrease pain. I had a killer migraine the other day too…

4. Good for your heart… Having chest pains? Go have sex! Men who had sex at least twice a week reduced their risk of having a fatal heart attack by 50%! Future husband, wherever you are, if I have anything to do with it, cardiovascular health won’t be an issue *wink wink*

5. Self Esteem booster… Info collected by University of Texas researchers showed that “boosting self esteem” was one of the 237 reasons that people liked to have sex. Hell, I know that while I’m delivering my SEX MAGIC, and my boo is writhing and moaning in sheer ecstasy, then passes out cain’t (yup I spelled it cain’t) move after wards, I feel like Xena warrior Princess! *Xena War Cry: Ayiyiyiyi shiii yah!*

6. Immunity Booster… What better way to fight the swine flu than to have sex? When you have sex at least 2 times a week it has been linked to an increase of the antibody Immonuglobin. This antibody protects you from getting colds and helps fight infections.

Well with the hectic week I had at work, the fact that I’m looking to lose a little weight, I got this pain in my lower back, and I am feeling a little feverish, I think the doctor may prescribe some copulation, and make him some breakfast in the morning owwww! LMBO (I crack me up) I’m good on the heart health and self esteem, but we can include those for prophylactic measures, tee hee.

Until next time friends...

P.S. Because I don’t want to be a thief I have cited my info source (APA format) LOL (damn you FIU)

Doheny, K. (n.d.). 10 surprising health benefits of sex.
Retrieved February 19, 2010, from WebMd website:

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

What are you giving up for Lent?

Soooooo Today is Ash Wednesday (or at least I started writing this on Ash Wednesday). Today was the commencement of Lent. Not sure what Lent is? Let me Google that for you! [] Informed? Let’s continue, shall we!

My Crazy arse decided to give up Television for Lent! Lawd Gad in heaven. Jesus, be a DVR!!! I don’t curse (often), and I can pretty much cut any other vice cold turkey, I have strong will. But TV?! I LOVE TV!!! I was once told that I was addicted to it. I wouldn’t go THAT far… I mean if I find something to occupy my time, I don’t need tv. The problem is, I’m not looking for anything to occupy my time, cuz I love TV! LOL So far I am doing pretty well. I have this blog (my new toy) to keep me busy. I expect to read more books, and enjoy more of the outdoors. I ain’t going hiking or nothing, but maybe longer strolls? Or bike rides? Hell I ain’t even got a bike… Well I can go buy one LOL Whatevs, all I know is that I won’t be glued to the couch like I usually am. This should prove to be an interesting, and rewarding experience!

I surely picked the perfect time to fast from TV! All my good shows are on, Project Runway, RHOOC, The Tudors, Big Love, and my newest favorite Glee is coming back. I also heard that 90210 and Melrose will be coming back. Ok, the more I list the shows the more I am beginning to regret doing this! **BBM crying face**

Some friends of mine are also partaking in the Daniel’s Fast… This is where you only consume one meal a day in the evening, and you cut out all meats, fish, eggs and butter. **random** While I’m on this subject, why isn’t fish considered a meat? Meat is considered the flesh of an animal… Last I checked, a fish is an animal isn’t it? Ok random over LOL Well as you all know I am a vegetarian so the Daniel’s Fast won’t be hard for me to do; it’s the waiting to eat til supper time I find difficult! I was praying to the Lord to be my sustenance today! Good night, I was STARVING! Funny thing is, I’ve gone without eating til supper time before, and I was fine. I think the thought of NOT being able to eat til dinner time was really the kicker.

For the next 5 weeks I’ll be chronicling my no tv fast, lets hope I make it! *fingers crossed*

Are any of you out there participating in Lent? What did you decide to give up? Is it truly a sacrifice? Is it realistic?

Got any suggestions on what I should do to occupy my couch potato time?


Hello World! I finally gave in and decided to get a blog! I guess you want to know a little about me, eh? Well where do I start? I'm a Capricorn; I like long walks on the beach... Hehe! If you continue reading this blog you'll MORE than get to know me. I'm not one to hold my tongue, I will be saying what I feel, when I feel like it. If you don’t like what you’re reading, there is this nifty button at the top right corner of your screen, it has an "x" on it, click it and voila, I’m gone!

This blog will be written in my voice. I want the people reading it, to feel like they are actually getting to know me, and not that they are reading some article... This is not ENC1102, nor is it the Florida Writes; in other words, I will not be writing in "term paper" format. For the most part I am usually grammatically correct but, I may throw in a few colloquialisms here and there... So, don’t be coming here thinking you gon’ be reading Ayn Rand! Basically, this blog will be used as an outlet for issues I want to talk about, such as things going on in my life, current events, sex topics, weight and fitness, beauty topics, finances, education, politics, religion, and other random ish that comes to my mind that I want ramble about.

**Warning** I am uber random and sometimes my thoughts may not seem to flow, but in my head it totally makes sense. Sorry that you’re not in my brain, it truly is a fun place!

If you feel coming to read my blog just isn’t enough, you can follow me on twitter!

Thanks for joining me on my CoZmic JourneyZ! Besitos!